
Pathway is an application designed for cognitive-behavioral therapists specializing in treating OCD and their clients. Traditionally, CBT therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder involves daily completion of paper forms: documenting the mood of the day, recording the execution of specific exercises, and rating the difficulty levels. These additional tasks can make therapy burdensome, leading many patients to abandon the process.

Pathway aims to revolutionize CBT therapy for individuals dealing with OCD by making therapy management seamless for both therapists and their patients.

As part of this project, we developed the branding, a web and mobile app for therapists, a mobile app for patients, and a comprehensive website.



Our main challenge was to design a task completion process in a way that would be as simple as possible for the patient. OCD tasks are far from easy — patients must confront their fears and resistance each time. Our goal was to simplify this process as much as possible and create a flow that would support patients in completing their tasks.

Another challenge was to design the task creation flow for therapists. Digital applications are still relatively new for many therapists, so the task creation process needed to be intuitive, straightforward, and easy to understand, even for users who are not tech-savvy.


Project Execution Process

Branding and Website Development

We began by developing the branding and website. The key was to create a brand that would evoke a sense of calm, trust, and progress throughout the therapy journey. We chose a warm beige as the base color for our palette, complemented by more vibrant tones to convey a sense of playfulness and progress. Additionally, we selected Aeonik as the primary font — a sans-serif typeface that communicates safety, professionalism, and approachability.

Our logo symbolizes the integration of elements into a cohesive whole, much like what happens during successful CBT therapy for OCD.

Brand Elements

Brand Elements

Animated Logo

Animated Logo

The website design is a simple, one-scroll page. Our goal was to create a site that informs potential clients (therapists) about the benefits of using the product, while also showcasing the energy and style of our brand. We utilized animated SVGs to ensure fast loading times and high performance scores.

Since the primary purpose of the site is to gather interested users for the waitlist, we focused on maximum simplicity in both navigation and the solutions we implemented.

Web Design — Hero Section

Web Design — Hero Section

Product Design and Development

Research and Knowledge Gathering